Whether you intend to invite your furry family members into the pool or not, you need to invest in pet safety products that keep them protected. A pet pool fence is a great place to start, but pool owners need to go further when it comes to pets, who can’t understand the dangers they may face around a pool without supervision. Let’s take a look at the top products you need for cat and dog pool safety and some handy tips to make sure you’re ready to help them make the most of pool time.
Pets in the Pool
Letting your pet enjoy pool time can be fun for them and for your two-legged family members. Many dog breeds love time in the water, and despite the stereotype, some cats also like to take the plunge. Pet pool safety products help train and reinforce good behavior in the pool area, limit the risk of unsupervised access, and give you the equipment you need to rescue them if necessary. Cat and dog pool safety must be just as much of a priority as human pool safety if you own both pets and a swimming pool.
Top Pet Pool Safety Tips
- Only Allow Pets in the Pool with Immediate Supervision – While pet drownings don’t share the same reporting requirements as human drownings, estimates range into thousands of pet deaths every year from accidental drowning. Ensuring they’re only allowed pool time when a competent swimmer is supervising them and capable of stepping in can help save lives. Secure your pool with ASTM-compliant safety barriers that prevent water entry when you aren’t around.
- Enforce Breaks for Food, Hydration, Rest, and Bathroom Trips – Like children, pets can get over-excited easily, losing their good judgment in favor of immediate fun. Anytime your pet joins you in the pool, plan frequent short breaks for food and water or to allow them to relieve themselves. Be careful of fatigue from too much swimming, especially with dogs that have thick coats, and make sure small dogs have time to get dry and warm up, as they may not have the body mass to effectively maintain a healthy body temperature during extended swimming sessions.

- Teach Them to Swim In, Enter, and Exit the Pool Properly – Many animals are instinctual swimmers, but practice and training can make them more dynamic and efficient swimmers. Take the time to train and reinforce proper water entry and exit, especially when pet pool safety products are involved. Remember that swimming may be new and different to them, leading to nervousness. Consistency, familiarity, and positive reinforcement will help them get comfortable and make pool time more enjoyable for both of you.
- Obedience IS Safety Training in the Pool – Even though the pool is a unique environment for your pet, remember to focus on the fundamentals of obedience. Dog pool safety may very well depend on your pet following your commands immediately.
The Best Pet Pool Safety Products
Pet pool safety products are continually evolving to meet consumers’ needs. When it comes to protecting your loved ones, however many legs they happen to have, think in terms of layers of protection to best ensure their safety. From upgraded materials to new technology and more reliable pet pool fences, there’s something for everyone who’s concerned about cat and dog pool safety.
- Life Jackets – Pet life jackets come in a variety of sizes and colors to make sure there’s a fit for your pet that’s also highly visible to make it easier to keep an eye on them in the pool. These are great for trips to the beach or your backyard swimming pool, as convenient grab handles make it safer and easier for you to help the pet in or out of the water, onto a boat, or pull them to safety poolside. As with children’s flotation aids, pet life jackets can both help introduce and familiarize pets with the pool and aid early swimming efforts while instinct and training catch up.
- Entry and Exit Ramps – Most pets can navigate a ladder, and even steps may prove challenging for fatigued pets not used to their buoyancy in water. Rams can help both large and small animals enter the pool more easily and may save your pet’s life if they get anxious or confused and can’t find other ways to get out of the swimming pool. Encourage your pets to use the ramp as much as possible, even if they seem to enjoy jumping into the pool from the deck. Positive reinforcement helps train them to look for the ramp and provides more structure to their swimming activities.
- Diving and Floating Pet Toys – Just as they can help build swimming strength in children. These in-water activities can help your pet improve their swimming skills, increase their comfort in the water, and strengthen their bond with you during pool activities. These are more than just fun and games. These activities support obedience, even in the swimming pool with other distractions around, which makes them essential pet safety products for dog pool safety training.
- Pool Cameras – Pool cameras help you keep an eye on your pool when no one is around, but modern cameras now offer always-on connection and AI-powered protection. The SwamCam sounds an audible alarm and sends emergency notifications and live video to connected devices when the AI algorithm senses a child or pet entering the pool area. This gives you the immediate alert you need to respond quickly and secure your pool’s perimeter.

- Swimming Pool Alarms – A wide variety of pool alarms are available to help you give your pool and pets the protection they need. Pool gate alarms alert you when the fence’s gate is left ajar, while surface alarms monitor the water for entry by a child or animal. Individual immersion alarms are also a good choice for pets, as the collar-based sensor will send an alert to connected devices anytime it senses the pet wearing it has entered the pool.
- Removable Mesh Pet Pool Fencing – This modern pool fencing material uses rip- and claw-resistant mesh stretched between strong poles to secure your swimming pool area. It has no large gaps to push through, can’t be pushed under, and no top bar, protrusions, or gaps to aid climbing. A five-foot-tall removable mesh pool fence with a self-closing and latching gate will deter even the most athletic of pets. If more space is needed for entertaining guests or throwing puppy parties, the entire fence can be taken down in minutes and reinstalled later to restore your protection. A good fence is the most important pet pool safety product you can invest in.
Get Your Pet Pool Fence Quote
Your local independent installation professional is your neighborhood’s go-to pool safety expert. They’ll make an appointment to take measurements of your pool area, talk to you about your needs, and create a tailored written estimate that gives you cost-effective peace of mind. Contact your local All-Safe Pool contractor for a free pet pool fence quote today.